Museum of KABK
Museum of KABK an interdisciplinary project, that challenged us to become a different type of artist/designer. How do we see the world? was the underlying question of the project.The courtyard was divided into pixels and a museum was to be developed in the scale of 1:1. With everything around us changing rapidly, the project raises the question of what it like to exist in this fast-paced world. Are we building an invisible prison around ourselves, by giving in to this rapid change? How important is it to spend time on self reflection? The structure was inspired by a panopticon . A sound installation was placed inside the museum as an experience for the audience to reflect on their daily lives.
Initial Concept Generation
Inspiration Board
Visualization of the Structure
Making of the Museum
Final Structure
Inside the Museum
Interaction Inside the Museum
Final Experience inside the Museum
Museum of KABK

Museum of KABK
